10. Februar 2009  
Artistic Gymnastics

Cirque du Soleil in the 2012 Olympic City

For the third time in this new millenium - after 2000 and 2001 - the unique Canadian movement circus "Cirque du Soleil" is giving guest performances of its show "QUIDAM" in London, the host city of the next Olympic Summer Games in 2012, but not in a special tent, as is usual. Instead, the cosmopolitan ensemble is performing in the time-honoured "Royal Albert Hall".
The only German artiste in the show is Tony MEVIUS, who has already celebrated his 1,000th performance ...

Act from Quidam, Tony at the top, upside-down...

Despite the interesting global travel and the exciting experiences connected with it, Tony Mevius will probably be leaving Cirque du Soleil at the end of 2009 in order to devote his time fully to his Berlin company, the show troupe "Cosmic Artists" which produces highly successful shows for customers in the industrial and business sectors.(C) GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL