08. Februar 2009  
Brussels, Belgium  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

3rd Brussels Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics

At the 3rd Brussels Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics at the weekend, Anika REJEK (< photo, left) of Leverkusen, Germany, came second behind the Russian gymnast Anna EPIFANOVA (88.250). With a total score of 87.225 she clearly beat Belgian local favourite Lieselotte DIELS  into 3rd place (84.200).
In the apparatus finals on Sunday Epifanova triumphed with the rope and hoop, Diels won with the ball and Anika Rejek was victorious in the ribbon final, the last discipline.
In the three-piece competition (rope, hoop and ball) in the junior category, victory went to Evgenia Vensko (60.980). Maria BUROWA from Leverkusen also took second place (54.625).