28. August 2008  
Weilheim-Teck / Germany  

Olympia was also a success for German apparatus manufacturers: ... today: TRAMPOLINING

The top-class performances seen in the gymnastics disciplines at the Olympic Games are significantly influenced, and indeed made possible, by the state of development of the high-tech equipment used in these sports.  
In a constant process of interchange between training and competition, as well as regular exchanges of experience between the world's best gymnasts, clubs and technicians from the world's leading apparatus manufacturers, ultra-modern pieces of equipment have been designed, without which the breath-taking performances on the Olympic podium would not be possible.
German manufacturers were among the top trademarks that were in evidence in Beijing:
* TODAY: -- GYMmedia exclusive interview (1) with the junior boss of the trampoline label "Eurotramp", Dennis Hack ...:

'Eurotramp' apparatuses was used on the Olympic podium in the National Indoor Stadium
and in the Olympic training and warm-up halls

Managing Director Hack (centre) in Beijing, talking to F.I.G. apparatus inspector Ludwig Schweizer (University of Freyburg; right) and Eurotramp employee Rüdiger Mosel.

Bronze medal winner DONG, Dong and Olympic victor LU, Chunlong as well as all the Chinese elite trampolinists jump exclusively on Eurotramp apparatus

German manufacturers in direct conversation with customers in Beijing:
SPIETH representative Jürgen GARZIELLA (Rhythmic gymnastics; from left), Dennis HACK (background) on behalf of 'Eurotramp

An additional factor is that as a family firm we set store by moral standards that have unfortunately fallen by the wayside in many large companies.

In our everyday business dealings we are still concerned about people, not just profits. That is appreciated by our customers and our employees!"

GYMmedia:  –  Although trampolining is the youngest gymnastics discipline at the Olympics and, as such, is a modern and youthful sport, its reflection in the media is rather unsatisfactory. How do you, as a manufacturer, think that the sport could draw greater attention to itself?
Dennis HACK: ---  "More interest in sports clubs, more money from the federal states and from central government, more sport in schools. In the context of greater promotion in general, trampolining and its media presence will also benefit. Generally speaking, sport is extremely important for our society. It strengthens social relationships, generally improves people's health and enhances their self-confidence. From our point of view it is time for a broad-based change of attitudes.  Playstation is OK, but it shouldn't lead to people doing less sport. In Germany there were only very brief reports about the trampoline competitions. My employees have informed me, however, that in Switzerland and Greece the trampolining was shown on TV. In Britain sport is being strongly promoted by the government at the moment. That is, of course, also evident in the media. Incidentally, Britain is currently the Eurotramp's biggest sales market, despite the fact that other major companies such as Universal and Continental are based in England.

GYMmedia:  –  What can be expected from Eurotramp in the near future and how do ordinary people with an interest in sport come across your trademark in everyday life …?
Dennis HACK: ---  "Eurotramp is currently developing not only new products but also new training concepts and other ideas which we do not wish to disclose at present. The possible uses of the trampoline are very varied, and we will show our customers how they can use them even more effectively. In the medical field, for instance, the trampoline is being used in the treatment of osteoporosis and this has brought about some promising results. Since mid-2007 we have been working in association with the DTB on a new concept for trampoline training; in collaboration with a film production firm and about 30 participants, we are producing instructional films along with accompanying teaching materials.

Eurotramp equipment for leisure sports activities,
e.g. with Bungee attachment...