FIG press release: - On April 21st, the FIG Presidential Commission made a decision concerning the case F.I.G. vs Irina Deriuguina (UKR)and decided to suspend Ms. Deriugina from her function as a member of the RG Technical Committee
and any other official function within the FIG immediately and until the end of the current cycle and from any future official function within the FIG until the end of the cycle 2013-2016. ...
The sanction includes excluding
Ms Deriugina to participate in any activity of any FIG Committee or Commission with immediate effect and until the end of the cycle 2013-2016 and to cancel (withdraw) Ms Deriugina's RG judge's brevet immediately and until the end of the cycle 2013-2016.
On May 09, Ms.Deriuguina appealed and asked for a suspension of these decisions.
The FIG Appeal Tribunal will decide as soon as possible whether the suspension will be accepted or rejected and will treat the appeal in due time.
* source: fig press
>> read more (Suspension of I. Deriugina (April, 22)
>> F.I.G Decision in Case of Deriugina (2008, July 3)