16. März 2008  
Wolfstein + Ramstein /Deutschland  
Wheel Gymnastics

Germany wins World-Team-CUP for the 4th time- GYMfamily Event -

At the  IVth WORLD-TEAM-CUP 2008 in wheel gymnastics with guests from 5 countries the hosting German team achieved the 4th gold medal in a row and therewith stays unchallenged World-Team-Champion!
With a total of 49 points, 
Janin OER, Nadine MÜNSTER, Annette PUSCH and Konstantin MALCHIN gained the gold medal in front of the All-Star-Team (34,00) with World Champion Cecile Meschberger, Sabine Krumm (both Switzerland), Vincent Klimo (Austria) and Solveig Krapf (Norway). The wheel gymnasts from  Japan and the Netherlands share the thrid position which 32,00 points each.
Germany leading after the first round

After the first competition day, Germany was leading already with 24,00 points in front of the All-Star-Team (18,00), the Netherlands (17,00) and Japan (16,00). And there was excitement until the end, a nip-and-tuck-race in the sold-out hall of Wolfstein: Germany only took hold in the last round by launching a joker and through Constantin Malchin's extra-ordinary routine...
The All-Star-Team was leading for a long time.  In the last-but-one round, the scores of all teams were close together around 16,00 and 15,00...