23. Februar 2008  
Kempen / Germany  

Titleholder wins International Niederrhein-Cup- GYMfamily Event -

At the XII. INTERNATIONAL NIEDERRHEIN-CUP 2008 in Kempen with 248 competitors in 8 classes from 6 countries and 50 federations, the titleholder  "Castilla la mancha Federation" from Spain with 217,3 points in front of the Frankfurt Flyers (216,4) and the Turncentrum Sportstadt Heerenveen (213,7). The competition was held with 17 young teams and the Spanish titleholders  started with Cristina Sainz Bernabeu (59,4 points), Angel Hernandez Recalde (58,9), Ines Garcia Dominguez (53,0) and Alvaro Rovira Martinez (46,0).

As for the gymnasts in "class 8"Petr Dufek from the Czech Republic won with 36,80 points in front of  Martin Gromowski (MTV Bad Kreuznach) with 36,70 points and Christopfer Schüpferling (TV 48 Erlangen).

The Niederrhein-Cup 2008 in the sports hall North in Kempen

Class 5 - Female junior gymnasts
1. Zita Frydrychova (Czech Republic, CZE) - 34,70 points
2. Cristina Sainz Bernabeu (Castilla la mancha Federation, ESP) - 34,70 points
3. Sheila Gonzales (Federcacio Catalana de Gymnastica, ESP) - 33,70 points
>> detailed results

Class 4 - Male pupils
1. Angel Hernandez Recalde (Castilla la mancha Federation, ESP) - 35,50 points
>> detailed results

Class 3 - Female pupils
1. Romee Pol (G.v. Sparta Ermelo, NDL) - 32,10 points
>> detailed results

Class 2 - Mini-pupils boys
1. Makaim Sherman (TB Ruit, GER) - 29,30 points
>> detailed results

Class 1- Mini-pupils girls
1. Kirsten Beekhuia (Turncentrum Sportstad Heerenveen, NDL) - 30,20 points
>> detailed results