14. Dezember 2007  
Germany, Switzerland  
Artistic Gymnastics

A really Fascinating Gymnastics Book ...!!!

FASZINATION TURNEN ("Fascination Gymnastics")
(bilingually: English & German)

The FIG Official Photographer, German Volker MINKUS, signed an illustration of the “The Beauty of Gymnastics”, a superbly unique album dedicated to the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships of Stuttgart 2007.
Written by Andreas GOTZE and Michael WEBER, designed by the former German world champion on rings, Andreas AGUILAR (1989), the book is available at
>> www.turn-wm-buch.de

*... more international GYM News...:

... new headquarter!

<< The FIG has requested
that the IOC Trophy “Women & Sport” be given to Ms Kirsti Partanen, President of the Finnish Gymnastics Federation SVOLI.
The IOC's decision is expected in February 2008.

An international Colloquium

“Gymnastics: the way to a healthy life”
will be held at the Singapore Country Club from January 30 to February 3, 2008.