18. Oktober 2007  
London, Great Britain  
Sports Acrobatics

Highest Award for Professor Patricia Wade

Genuinely respected throughout the world Professor Patricia Wade, President of the FIG Acrobatic Gymnastics Technical Committee, was awarded "Pro Ecclessia et Pontifice", on 2 October 2007 at the St Mary’s University College, London at the celebration of her career of 41 years in education and sport.
Bishop George Stack from Westminster dioceses on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI conferred the gold medal award Pro Ecclessia et Pontifice, known as the "Cross of Honour for Church and Pope".
It is the award of highest distinction given by the Catholic Church to lay people and was awarded for a distinguished career of exceptional scholarship, research and contribution to the education of children, the training of new teachers and the education of teachers....

Professor Patricia WADE

Living with cancer is a new career to now follow but what I have learned is that no matter what life circumstance presents, I shall always be a teacher and that education is the greatest wealth I have. This award will keep me constantly aware of what joy is to be had from teaching and sharing”.

Source: British Gymnastics; Vera ATKINSON