10. September 2007
Sao Paulo / Brazil
Wheel Gymnastics
Wheels go Brazil - Wheel gymnastics tournament in Campinas/Sao Paulo
Julius Petri in Brazil during a show performance as part of the 4th Wheel Gymnastics Forum
From August 21 to September 4 14 Wheel gymnasts afrom Germany took part in the 4th Forum Internacional Gymnastic Geral in Campinas (Brazil) an event which is organized every two years by the University of Campinas/Sao Paulo (UNICAMP).
There were workshops for interested club coaches, sports students and sports teachers from Brazil, but also from other South American countries. In the three hour sessions the basics of wheel gymnastics were taught both theoretically and especially practically. In addition, various individual and group performances were part of the programme.
Lots of participants for the hands-on events...
Auch die Kleinsten mochten die deutschen Freunde...
In the second week of their stay in Brazil the German wheel gymnastics group an number of shows and hands-on events in Rio de Janeiro and the surrounding countryside; in particular, many children and young adults came to these events and after overcoming their shyness towards the blonde Germans, it was evident that even the youngest participants had fun with the wheel...
The contact with UNICAMP is to be reenforced by a course for trainers in Brazil and the participation of Brazilian wheel gymnasts in an international course of the IRV in Denmark in 2008.
In 2001, a German wheel gymnastics group first took part in the 1st Forum in Brazil. Since then, a wheel gymnastics group has been formed at the University of Campinas, with which intensive training was possible.
>> Meanwhile the first wheels „made in Brazil“ are being produced, and this is sure to be good for the spread of wheel gymnastics in Brazil.
Back in Germany bthe group agreed that they had had many exciting moments, had gained many friends and are sure to return to Brazil.
Report and photos: Sigrun Leisner
Red.: Gritt Ockert, gymmedia
Ein weiterer glungener Show-Auftritt der deutschen Gäste in Brasilien