08. Juni 2007  
Arnsberg / Germany  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

French former gymnastics champion is a guest of the Arts Summer

Emmanuelle Bru came as a stroke of luck for this year's 'International Arts Summer' in Arnsberg (Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany).
The 19-year-old French former junior champion of Rhythmic Gymnastics from Montpellier is working as an intern in the cultural office of the town of Arnsberg in the Sauerland this summer.
Besides her cultural interests she has a career in theater, dance, gymnastics and sports under her belt. The organizers of the Arts Summer grasped the opportunity and engaged her to teach a workshop on Rythmic Gymnastics. The course is aimed at children and young people betwen the ages of 8 and 16 years.

... for more information see Internationale Kunstsommer

Bru in action....

When Bru works with children - as she will be when doing courses for young people at the Arts Summer in Arnsberg - she prefers to use music from Disney films such as the Jungle Book.


The children can also express their own ideas and wishes, as Bru sees her work as an exchange with the participants.
<< Emmanuelle Bru will stay in Arnsberg for four months. For her, the organization of the International Arts Summer is a particularly interesting part of her work n the Culture Office because she finds its programme fascinating.