30. Dezember 2006
Buenos Aires / Argentina
Artistic Gymnastics
F.I.G. Coach Academy Course in South America
Dr. Flavio BESSI from Germany - one of the docents
In his 125 Anniversary the “academic” year of the FIG was ended with a Level 1 Course of the Coach Academy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This event for South American countries was organized by the F.I.G. and the PAGU (Pan-American Gymnastics Union) together, because it wasn’t only an academy course but also a training camp for young gymnasts.
Eight countries participated with coaches and gymnasts:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. In totality 34 coaches attended the course, 19 women's and 15 men's artistic gymnastics coaches.....
Participants of the F-I.G. / PAGU Level 1 Course, Buenos Aires 2006
CENARD: 'Centro Nacional de Alto Rendimiento', main building
The course was carried out in the facilities of the "CENAR" (Centro Nacional de Alto Rendimiento, High Level National Training Center) and was held in Spanish.
The schedule and the responsibilities for the different topics were planned originally by Hardy FINK (CAN), the Director of Coach Education and Academy Programms of the FIG, and Dr. Flavio BESSI (GER), who was in charge of this course, and than slightly modified by the local authorities in order to fit better the character of southern countries. The training camp was carried out in the mornings and the academy was held in the afternoons from 2.00 p.m. until 8.30 p.m..
F.I.G. experts of the coach course
The president of the Confederation of Argentina, Luis María Díaz BANCALARI, welcomed the coaches and gymnasts from the different participating countries and highlighted the importance of a constant updating coach education.
<< He also greeted the FIG experts (photo, from right to left) Eric Boucharin (France), Andrea João (Brazil), Gustavo Sito (Argentina) and Dr. Flavio Bessi (Germany) and wished them a pleasant stay.
After a brief introduction the experts started with the lessons which include four theoretical units in Anatomy, Biomechanics, Training Theory and Psychology as well four practical units for each discipline.
Patricia JARDEL and Walter GIALDI (ARG)
At the end the participants did the obligatory assessment with both theoretical and practical parts.
Best participant was Patricia JARDEL
an Argentinean women's gymnastics coach, who reached 95 from a maximum of 100 points.
Very close to her was Walter GIALDI, a men's coach also from Argentina, who obtained 94 points....
(photo, right >>)
During the closing ceremony an evident lucky participant concluded: “I’m so happy to having been here. It was the best course I’ve ever had. I want to thank the FIG for having offered me this possibility.”
Reported for GYMmedia: Dr. Flavio BESSI, Germany