01. Januar 2006  
Montreal, Berlin  
Artistic Gymnastics

GYMmedia informed about all 2007 castings of Cirque du Soleil

GYMmedia - and "Cirque du Soleil"
From now on and for the period of 12 month all users of GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL will find all the topical news in case of Cirque du Soleil AUDITIONS 2007.
The Canadian cirque booked a banner (above, right) on our website, which links directly to all currently information.
It may be very interest for all gymnasts and acrobats worldwide, who will plan a fantastically and aesthetically adventure around the world...!
From now on all GYMmedia users have a direct access to Cirque du Soleil casting website where they can find all the details concerning the 2007 auditions!
(... read a special report on our German GYMmedia portal on www.gymmedia.de.)