27. Mai 2006  
Sofia / Bulgaria  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Balkan History Echoes in New Bulgarian Dance... ... and a noteworthy Birthday!

The legend in Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics coaching Neshka ROBEVA has celebrated her yesterday's 60th birthday with another artistic achievement:
Her newest dance show named 'Aramii' (- it means 'Chieftains') has seen premier stage Friday evening to become the fourth spectacle of the 'iron lady' in national gymnastics.
Five years since extending her activities to the artistic dance, Neshka Robeva tells the story of two blood brothers whose friendship eroded by their common passionate love to a young and brave woman - a chieftain herself....

Neshka Robeva (BUL)

60th Birthday: Neshka ROBEVA
... the former 'Iron Lady' of Bulgarian Gymnastics

Neshka Robeva was born on 26.05.1946 in Rouse, Bulgaria.
In 1966 she graduates in “Bulgarian Dances” at the State Choreographic Scool.
From 1966 to 1973 she was a national competitor herself in rhythmic gymnastics. She takes part in four World champioships and won in the individual tournaments five silver and four bronze medals.

1974 she graduated at the former 'High Institute for Sports' (- now National Bulgarian Sports Academy) and started work as a trainer at “Levski-Spartak”. In the same year she became senior trainer of the National Team in Rhythmic Gymnastics and remains in that position until 1999.