RSA Gymnastics Federation
Men and Women artistic judges from all corners of South Africa attended the women's Brevet & International Judges Courses, was held in Bothas Hill (near Durban) and the men's course was held in Centurion last week.
Now the next F.I.G. women's artistic gymnastics Brevet Course take place in Swakopmund Namibia from the 19th to the 24th February 2006.
Agneta Göthberg from Sweden will be the course instructress.
The first International Judging Courses
in Artistic Gymnastics for the New Year was opened in Lilleshall (GBR) for the Ladies on January´11 followed by the Men on Jan. 12.
The Women's Course was led by the FIG delegate Donatella Sacchi (ITA) and the Men's by Istvan Karacsoni (HUN), both members of the respective Technical Committees of the FIG.
It has provoked enormous interest in view of the introduction of the new FIG International Code of Points from 1st Jan. 2006. Course Assistants for Women are Lyn Fairbrother and Avril Spriggs while Andy Tombs, Eddie Van Hoof and Simon Moor assist Mr Karacsoni on the Men's side.
The three days lectures have been followed by Exams.
Some great British performers from the past (James May and Barry Collie) and the present (Ross Brewer), all three Commonwealth Games Champions and World and European gymnasts - took part in the Course.