03. Februar 2006  
Tokyo / Japan  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Japan is working hard for Beijing....

Japan plans a medal at groups competition
Two and a half years before the coming Olympic Highlight in Asia, the 'XXVIII. Olympic Games' in Beijing the Japanese gymnastics nation works very hard for higher level of rhythmic gymnastics.
So recently 30 young RG gymnasts comes together for an audition in preparation a very new groupthe for Beijing Olympicc 2008.
They were checked about style, physical capacity and technical elements.
At the last World Championships 2005 in Baku, team Japan marked 6th place at Ribbon exercise.....

Japanese Rhythmic Gymnastics Audition in Preparation of the 'Olympics 2008'

Athletical tests of flexibility

Japan's successes of rhythmic groups

* 1999 World Championships 4th
* 2000 Sydney Olympics: 5th
* 2003 World Championships: 12th
* 2005 Universiade: 2nd
* 2005 World Championships: 6th in Ribbon exercise

<< Young Japanese talents in action... (photo left)

Reported by GYMmedia Correspondent
>> Takako Kobayashi, Tokyo, Japan