01. Februar 2006  
Tokyo, Berlin  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

New GYMmedia Partner: Chacott Co., Ltd.

'Chacott' supports Rhythmic Gymnastics
Because the big more and more growing resonance of the 'GYMmedia's' worldwide media coverage of all gymnastics disciplines in a reliable and competent manner, now the recognized Japanese Company 'Chacott Co., Ltd.' signed a contract for the year 2006 with the management of the 'European Gymnastics Service GYMmedia IINTERNATIONAL'.

Specially 'Chacott' will support the coverages about the Rhythmic gymnastics events worldwide...

'Chacott' - supports the GYMmedia RG reports on the English portal of

The partnership to GYMmedia means a powerfull support by 'Chacott Co.Ltd.' for a more efficient publicity of the aesthetic discipline Rhythmic Gymnastics and their best gymnasts.
May be the year 2006 is a special 'Japanese year', because some of the most important events are hosted in Japan, like the 'World Cup Final' in Mie, the traditional 'Aeon Cup', but also the 'Chacott Championships' as an event of this ambitiously gymnastics nation!
Kohei Takeuchi, Sales Manager, Oversea, Chacott Co., Ltd. / Japan
Eckhard Herholz, Managing Director, GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL