28. Januar 2006
Cottbus / Germany
Artistic Gymnastics
What is he doing now..... ? (1)RONNY ZIESMER: first exam passed successfully!
Ronny Ziesmer: First written exam in informatics
The former gymnast Ronny Ziesmer who now studies biotechnology at the university of applied sciences in Senftenberg/ Germany has successfully passed his first written exam in the subject informatics.
Ronny studied a lot for this exam. Since the late fall of 2005 he has a car which is adjusted to his handicap and with this newly-gained mobility he then could fully concentrate on starting his studies...
The studies are in the center
For the former gymnast studying now is some kind of 'life- capability- test': '... at least I didn't fall on the head!', he replied in interviews when asked for his study- plans. Every day now he has to show himself to meet the demands of daily life which certainly aren't easy for him. '... This way no fear of the future can come up!'
Since the end of September 2005 Ronny Ziesmer has been a student now. The choice of the subject biotechnology also has to do with his future plans.
Ronny in action: Since the summer of 2005 he works out with the handbike
Many requests were made to Ronny regarding a participation in TV- shows, other PR- appearances, contacts to further aid organisations, even regarding appearances in movies, etc. However, at the moment Ronny declines them all: 'The same way I’ve acted and thought before as a gymnast, consequently looking at my goals, I’m currently concentrating on the most important things and that is at the moment the next written exam at the university!'
As time permits Ronny does a special weekly fitness work-out with his handbike, either outdoors or, in case the weather is too bad, inside on special rolls. '... this is mainly to keep fit to handle my daily life.' - However, a future participation in the Berlin marathon might be possible!
Ronny in his car which has been adjusted to the needs of handicapped persons
Everything else has to be seen However, any kind of short-term popularity now is not his intention and he dislikes voyerism.
'When there’s nothing else to say except to reply on the question ‘…hello, how are you…’ there’s no need for me to take part in various TV- shows. However, I know that the media will support me when there are real news to tell. Since my accident they haven’t disappointed me.' Of course Ronny Ziesmer is impressed how strongly the public still is interested in his development now quite a while after
his accident on July 12th 2004 shortly before the Olympic Games . He wants to use this public interest also in future to lobby for people with injuries of the spinal marrow.
Kick-off in May 2005: Germany’s former chancellor Schröder agreed to support Ronny’s plans.
Current standing of his idea for a foundation...
The idea was kicked-off together with Germany’s former chancellor Gerhard Schröder during the German Gymnastics Festival in May 2005 and the contact to the German government has also remained now after the change of government.
The planned foundation 'ALLIANCE OF HOPE. Ronny Ziesmer' is supported by the German government, further talks about it will take place during the next days. The intention of the foundation should be to look for financial support for research in the field of regeneration of nerve cells. In this field of research great progresses are being made at the moment. 'I have received a lot of support after my accident and now want to give back something through supporting others who suffer from the same problems”, is Ronny’s explanation on his reasons for wanting to start a foundation.
All this shows that Ronny’s choice of subject at the university certainly has not only been made for his private purpose of life but have to be seen in a larger perspective.
E. Herholz, GYMmedia
Further support for Ronny is needed
Despite the great support which Ronny Ziesmer has received and the fact that he certainly is a role model for self-dependent and active living he’ll still need further assistance for he rest of his life.
You can support the courage of this young man with a donation to:
Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe (DSH)
Purpose of payment: „Hilfskonto Ronny Ziesmer“
Name of the bank: Deutsche Bank Frankfurt
Account N°: 092 777 201
Bank Code: 500 700 10
IBAN: DE 37 5007 0010 0092 7772 01