16. Dezember 2005  
Bucharest / Romania  
Artistic Gymnastics

Urzica lost to Stoica in the FRG run

Former gymnastics Olympian Marius Urzica lost the run for the Romanian Gymnastics Federation's (FRG) leading position to Adrian Stoica, the organization's former general secretary.
Stoica said he expected to win but didn't want to talk about it before the result was official. He was sustained in the campaign by FRG's former president, Nicolae Vieru .
'He represents the best choice for what needs to be done in Romanian gymnastics. Stoica was my student and I am proud he has over passed me,' Vieru commented after the elections....
At the end of the decisive meeting on Friday, Urzica didn't want to comment too much about the result of the elections, saying he respects the voters' decisions.:
'I have a head ache and I can hardly wait to get out of here. I can't comment on the outcome since it's a result of the voters' decision,' Urzica said. He also said he is now considering a coaching career, in order to be as close as possible to his former gymnast colleagues.
Source: Bucharest Daily News; Fotos by GYMmedia;