30. Oktober 2005  
Zurich / Schweiz  
Artistic Gymnastics

SWISS CUP 2005: Chinese beat Rumanians!

Chinese Pair finished Rumanian Serie...
It was the Chinese Olympic champion (pommel) Teng, Haibin and his partner, the 15 years old girl Han, Bing, who finished the Rumanien victories of the last years, and won the SWISS CUP 2005 in the Saalsport Hall of Zurich on Sunday.
On second place in the pair final came the Rumanians with Izbasa / Selariu....

SWISS CUP-Sieger 2005: Pferd-Olympiasieger TENG, Haibin und HAN, Bing (CHN)
- photographer in Zurich: Harald von Mengden

>> 2006: November 05

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