24. September 2005  
Artistic Gymnastics

4th Alsterpokal: TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf wins three finals

At today‘s 4th 'International ALSTERPOKAL' the winner of finals are: Julia Hänel on vault, Susann Herbst on uneven bars (both TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf; GER)), Kelcie Morris (Frederick Gymnastics Club; USA) on beam and Jenny Brunner (TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf) on floor.
Yesterday, the team of TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf (GER) won the elite’s team competition (100.35 points) ahead of the gymnasts of Frederick Gymnastics Club (USA; 99.30). The delegation of the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation achieved the third place with 97.75 points.
The elite’s all-around was won by Lisa Reifscheider (Fredericks Gymnastics Club, USA) with 33.70 points. Jenny Brunner (33.50) of TuS Chemnitz-Altendorf and Kelcie Morris (32.90) of Fredericks Gymnastics Club, USA, followed on the medal ranks.

>> ... all information on www.alsterpokal.de

The Talents‘ Team Competition, 24-09-2005
The talents’ team of Cairo Gymnastics Federation (EGY) appeared to perform in a class of its own and demonstrated their strength with a superior victory and a healthy margin of almost 6.000 points – it even performed as best on each apparatus (97.400). TG Mannheim (GER) placed second with 91.500 points, with great distance the Schleswig-Holsteinisch Gymnastics Federation (GER) followed on the third rank (83.600).
In total, nine teams entered the competition.

The Juniors’ Team Competition, 24-09-2005
The Team Kiew (UKR) forged ahead with a cohesive team performance in the juniors’ team competition (95.200). They proved to be unbeatable on vaulting table, uneven bars and floor. On beam only the gymnasts of Berlin’s Gymnastics Federation (GER) performed better. They became second with exactly 94 points. On the third rank the team of TV Hoffnungsthal (GER) followed with 92.400 points.
In total, ten teams entered the competition.
In total, 180 gymnasts from seven nations enter the competitions of the fourth International Alsterpokal in Hamburg, Germany.

Reporting from Hamburg: Florian Schmid-Sorg

>> 3rd Alsterpokal 2004' // 2nd Alsterpokal 2003