18. Juli 2005
Zuerich / Switzerland
Artistic Gymnastics
SWISS CUP moves in 2006
Swiss Cup with new dimension: from 2006 on in the Hallenstadion of Zurich
The Swiss Cup, which is one of the most popular events for gymnasts since over 20 years, moves next year from the ''Zuericher Saalsporthalle'' to the ''Hallenstadium''.
Main reason: the Saalsporthalle with 2.500 seat is too small...
- The Hallenstadium is a great alternitive with 11.500 seats. It's possible to divide the gym so that it'll be a great competition even with less fans...
OC-President Beny Ruhstaller defined at a Pressconfrence the goal of this event: 4.000 to 8.000 visitors at this competition.
For the last time in the Saalsporthalle this year on octobre 30. 2005 are 1.700 tickets sold already.
This year after a log time there will be japanese gymnasts of the Olympic- Teamwinners starting again.
Also there are Gymnasts expected from France (with Olympic Goldmedalist Emilie Lepennec), Germany and Bulgaria (with the multiple World Champion Jordan Jowtschew). Many other Worldclass Athletes are beeing invited at this time.
The Zuericher Hallenstadion was in the fiveties and sixties already the
host of gymnastics competitions with over a thoumsand visitors. At National competition against Germany (1955 and 1960) and Japan (last in 1970) up to 12.000 fans.
The OC around Beny Ruhstaler are trying to come back to those numbers:
SWISS CUP strategics, economy and media orientated!
• The SWISS CUP plans to stay at the Hallenstadium for the next three years. The Swiss TV-stations are supporting the Swiss Cup and will probably broadcast from the Hallenstadium as they always did.
• The atheletes will start in the Paircompetitionmode. It is possible that more pairs will be starting in the future so that there will be two preliminated rounds.
• The OC wants more pairs with athletes from the same nation and less mixed teams.
• 100.000 Fr. will be handed out to the top athletes on the competition day as price and starting money.
• The organizers want more comfort and better hosting for the athletes so that the Swiss Cup becomes a ''must'' for the top Athletes and Nations of the.
OC Swiss Cup
GYMmedia will be the contract Partner for daily news and the spread of data, facts and emotions for the Swiss Cup like they were the last couple years.
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