27. Dezember 2004  
Artistic Gymnastics

Congratulation, Larisa Latynina!

Today the most successful Olympic athlet, the nine-time gold medallist Larissa Latynina, celebrates her 70th birthday.
1934 born in Kherson (UKR) she owns several important Olympic records and is the only athlete, in all sports, who has won eighteen Olympic medals during her career. At last she run for beeing the Russian president, last week...

President Vladimir Putin has handed in state awards to prominent citizens of Russia at a gala ceremony held in the Kremlin on Monday.
'The December awards ceremony is one of the oldest and symbolic traditions, ' Putin told the awards ceremony.
'I would also like to address particular words of gratitude to the legend of our sport, gymnast Larisa Latynina whose services to the state are well known to all,' the president said. 'It gives me a pleasure to congratulate you in person and wish your happiness, health and big success.' Putin told the celebrated gymnast.
(source: itar-tass