a TROPHY FOR Aagie van Walleghem (BEL)
Friday evening was held the '7th International GYM Gala' in the Sports Palace of Antwerp, Belgium.
This traditional gala was a shimmering show of the Olympic and all the other gymnastics disciplines, with a lot of ntional and international stars, like the Chinese ZHANG, Nan, the Russian rhythmic gymnastics group, the Russian trampolin star Yuri NUKITIN and the Olympic Champion from Germany, Anna DOGONADZE, and many others.
Opened by 'Turnclub OTM/GV Gent followed a colorful program. One of the highlight was the handing over of a special trophy 'Hopefull Talent' to the Belgian star Aagie van WALLEGHEM' by the three-times Olympic champion Catalina PONOR ...
REVIEW This gala is a special Belgian tradition. To the first time it was held in a one-year rhythm this year.
Last year GYMmedia reported directly from the
OLYMPIC GYM GALA Flanders 2003