04. November 2004  
Ghent / Belgium  
Artistic Gymnastics

PREVIEW: World Cup Competition of Artistic Gymnastics

World Cup Premiere in Ghent
From Friday 5 till Sunday 7 November 2004, the World Cup Competition Artistic Gymnastics will be organised in the Flanders Sports Arena in Ghent. It is the first time that a World Cup Competition Artistic Gymnastics is held in the Flanders Sports Arena.
Three years ago the World Championships was hosted here. It was also the official premiere of the new vaulting table 'PEGASES' in 2001. The first official gymnast on Pegases was Adam BOTHA from South Africa, at 2001, October 28.
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Now gymnasts from the Republic of South Africa are also guests again, among the more than 50 top male athletes from 27 countries....