15. Juli 2004  
Artistic Gymnastics

German gymnast Ronny Ziesmer seriously injured

At a training camp of the German gymnasts in preparation for the Olympic Games in Athens Ronny Ziesmer from the German club SC Cottbus seriously injured himself on Monday afternoon. The gymnast who was already definitely selected for the German Olympic team landed badly while training on vault and suffered from fractures in two cervical vertebras. He immediately underwent surgery in hospital which according to the doctors went well and is now in intensive care. On Wednesday an official press conference took place in the hospital. …....

Grüsse an Ronny sind möglich über das Gästebuch des SC Cottbus

Prof. Dr. Walter Schaffartzik
Chief of Accident Clinics of Berlin

Greetings to Ronny Ziesmer

Fans wishing to send messages to Ziesmer may do so through the guestbook at SC Cottbus's official website:
Guestbook SC Cottbus