02. April 2004  
Algier / Algeria  

Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup Final 2004

Algiers gets set!
The next Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup Final will take place in Algiers (ALG), December 02, 2004, inside the Hac?ne Harcha Sports Complex, located in the downtown area. This is a first for the City and the Country, for the African Continent. Everybody in the local Gymnastics community is now supporting this project, a dream which came true thanks the excellent work of the Algerian Federation and its President, Mr. Mohamed Yamani and the success of the international competitions which took place in the city.....

Hac?ne Harcha Hall: A sportsarena over the Mediterranean sea background!
New building and up todate equipment for the best of Trampoline andTumbling.

Interview (by F.I.G.) with …
Mr. MANCER Rabah
, Elite Sports Director at the Youth and Sports Department of the Republic of Algiers will speak today, expressing the full satisfaction of the Algerian sports community.

Mr. MANCER Rabah:
“Algiers is preparing to host the Trampoline – Tumbling World Cup Final, December 2, 2004.”
“The honour given our country by the International Gymnastics Federation confirms, if need be, the enormous potential of Algerian Sports. This includes our athletes, who have taken medals on the international sports scene, and also points to the organisation of international sports competitions on Algerian soil in various sports and disciplines.”

“The Trampoline – Tumbling World Cup Final will see gymnastics following the way marked out for it at the extraordinarily successful African Championships in Algiers, October 13 – 18, 2002.
The excellence of this continental sports event encourages us to take a step forward at the World Cup Final.”