28. Februar 2004  
Cottbus / Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

PREVIEW: 28th Tournament of Masters (World Cup)

One of the first guests, the Latvian delegation, just arrived Cottbus. On top the Olympic Champion from Sydney 2000 on floor, Igors Vichrows, but also his teammates Yevgeni Sapronenko and Eriks Revelinch.
All these guests of the Tournament of Masters are old friends here, because they made their first international events as young boys in history here at the traditional 'GWG-Cup for Talents, a worldwide wellknown competition for the best European talents of artistic gymnastics. This tournament have fasten an also long tradition like the Master event itselfs... 

Sylvio Kroll

The Japanese Gymnastics Federation pronounced today some changes of the Cottbus' participants (men):
On top will come the doubble world champion of Anaheim Kashima and also Yoneda.
But the 5th of the still rings final in Anaheim couldn't start, so the international wellknown Yoshihiro Saito will arrive in Cottbus.

Eric Lopez (CUB)

In the Cottbus' tournament history  the Cuban athlets were traditional guests:
>> At the first 'Tournament of Masters' 1979 the first finalsts were Miguel Arroyo, Israel Sanchez and Jorge Cuervo.
>> In the Eighties came to Cottbus such gymnasts like Mario Castro, Francisco Ortega, Felix Roch?, Raul Menendez or Felix Aguilera. A legend of the tournament history is Casimiro Suarez, winner on highbar in 1989.
>> The last Cuban victory in Cottbus was the success of Charles Leon Tamayo, winner on vault 2002....

Diane dos Santos (BRA)

The technical equipment for producing the international signal will be provided by GYMmedia-TV – just like in the past two years – and will be coordinated by Eckhard Herholz, the long time German TV commentator for all gymnastics disziplines

Great TV commitment by TV Station RBB
Both days of the finals (6/7 March) are to be covered broadly by Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), for the first time following the merger between SFB and ORB. This may comprise up to 85 minutes on Sunday and is to be broadcast live to a large extent.