13. Dezember 2003  
Berlin, Cologne / Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

Oksana Chusovitina: An extraordinary Women!

A battle not only for sportive glory...
Never before during the last 30 years of modern women’s artistic gymnastics there has been a 28-year old World Champion.
In Anaheim this has been realized by the unresting Oksana Chusovitina from Uzbekistan who now lives in Cologne/ Germany.< br> We met this extraordinary athlete in Berlin where she has been the star of the gala GYMMOTION.
She seems to be a bit tired now after so many competitions and galas, she doesn’t even remember her total amount of competitions this year - “...after Anaheim it must have been about eight...“

Oksana: It's Show time, now!

"Yes, I am quite tired", said Oksana with a smile on her face, “but I know why I do all this!“ She missed almost no large competition during this pre-Olympic year. In addition to the sportive challenge also the battle for price money, awards and the market value of a super star has become important in her life. The total amount which is necessary to cover the costs for the treatment of her son Alisher in Cologne has not yet been collected completely.
In Uzbekistan the opportunities for the treatment of her child certainly wouldn’t have been that good and so Oksana also is very grateful for the help of her friends of the gymnastics club TOYOTA Cologne with Prof. Peter Brüggemann and Shanna Poljakova who have supported her and gave her the feeling of security also when she has been on competition tour throughout the World.

Coach Svetlana Kusnezova (middle), Zamolodchikova and Chusovitina (ri.)

Sportively seen Oksana Chusovitina will continue to reach for the stars.
Incredible 13 years ago she competed in her first competition abroad at the 1990 Goodwill Games in Seattle where she won on vault, then became World Champion on floor 1991 in Indianapolis, 1992 followed an Olympic gold medal ...and in August 2003 in Anaheim she again won the World Championship title on vault. In 2004 in Athens she once again wants to reach for Olympic medals. “I am working on a more difficult second vault. It works quite well already now.“
* In 2008, after getting the German citizenship
Oksana Chusovitina realized her fifth Olympic participation in Beijing as the first femal gymnast of the world!!