17. Oktober 2003  

Friday: First gold medals go to host Germany and Russia

Only with the last routine of the competition presented by Olympic Champion Alexander Moskalenko the decision in the men’s team final has been taken: The audience cheerfully celebrated the gold medal of the German team which narrowly won the event being 0.1 points ahead of Russia. The team from Ukraine managed to win the bronze medal.
In the women’s team final the Russians then won the gold medal in front of China and Canada.

Men`s team decision: 1-Germany, 2-Russia, 3-Ukraine

The winners

TRAMPOLINE, Qualification, Women
With a great performance and the highest difficulty (14.6) Olympic Champion Irina Karavayeva impressed her competitors already during the qualification. From her first very difficult element on, the triple salto piked, her routine was presented faultlessly.
Her team mate and European Champion Natalia Tchernova can be found 1.4 points behind her on rank 2, followed by China’s HUANG, Shanshan.
Behind Olena Movchan from Ukraine and Karen Cockburn from Canada also World Champion Anna Dogonadze secured her participation in the Olympic Games with a 6th rank in today’s qualification.
Also qualified for the Olympic Games are Kirsten Lawton (GBR) and the 2nd Canadian in the field Heather Ross-McManus.

>>Results, Women's, Individual Qualifying
(Olympic qualification)