14. August 2003  
Artistic Gymnastics

The Podium Training in Anaheim

To the second time after Ghent 2001, the Dutch Pegases Company 'JANSSEN&FRITSEN' take over the title sponsorship of a world championships and presents 'ANAHEIM 2003', publishes by GYMmedia.
The artistic gymnastics highlight of the year will be open today evening with an OPENING CEREMONY (7 p.m. local time) in Anaheim.

Also the podium training of women
is finished now...

Anaheim 2003 : Russion team and Svetlana Chorkina at the podium training
(C) Photos: Tom Theobald (www.tomtheobald.com

Catalina Ponor, Newcomer in Romanian team

<< Bulgarians ar starting with the former Russian Evgenia Kuznetzova and the former Ukrainian star Victoria Karpenko and also with Gergana Ivanova, Diana Petrova, Ralitsa Rangelova and Nikolina Tankuocheva.

May be, that the Bulgarian team can also a strong rival of the German's, for instance, so a lot of nations are fighting for an Olympic ticket, fighting for the 12 plece in tem competition, like Brasilia, Belarus, Italy, Canada, Great Britain....
... it will be a thrilling team competition!

Christian Berzces (GER)

>> Just now the long time partner of GYMmedia, the Dutch company 'Janssen&Fritsen' - 'Official Supplier of the Olympic Games, Athen 2004' - take over the sponsorship of the GYMmedia World Championships reports.
>>... ... more partners

>> All about WCh ANAHEIM 2003