25. Juli 2003  
Artistic Gymnastics

French Team won against Spain, Germany and Bulgaria

This was the topical ranking of these national women gymnastics teams in Dresden, Germany, yesterday.
France won with a top score of 146,425 points, than came Spain (144,525).
Best in all-round was the reigning floor world champion Elena Gomez with 37,575 points....

The French Winner Team in Dresden: 146,425 Punkte (1.)
(from left: Marine Debauve, Nelly Ramassany, Coralie Chacon, Emilie Le Pennec (she's a little behind), Gaëlle Richard, Soraya Chaouch, Camille Schmutz

Elena Gomez (ESP)

>> a complete report in German language you will find on the German website of www.GYmmedia.de

Emilie Lepenec (FRA)