The triple meet between host Czech Republik, Poland and Denmark was a big 'heat battle' last weekend in Brno/CZE.
Host Czech men's team won this meet with a score of 207,00. Behind the winner came Poland with 204,55 points and on third place Denmark with 197,20 points.
Once again the former Czech junuior Martin Konecny was the best in all around (51,90) in seinem ersten Seniorenjahr, than came his teammate Martin Vlk (CZE/ 51,50) and the best Danish gymnast was Daniel Aunvig (49,55) on third place
Also the Czech women were active last hot weekend... br>
... but the opponent Austrian team was not complete - also 2 seniors came to Brno, because some gymnasts started at International FICEP-Meeting, Tanja Gratt was ill (influenza) and also the best Austrian Sabine Hasenöhrl was not in the team....
AA individual, women:
1. Katerina Maresova (CZE) 35,475
2. Jana Sikulova (CZE) 35,425
3. Veronika Ozanova (CZE) 33,45
4. Michaela Radkova (CZE) 32,85
5. Adela Pavoukova (CZE) 32,725
6. Petra Sulcova (CZE) 32,375
7. Jana Mrkvicova (CZE) 31,5
8. Stephanie Praxmarer (AUT) 30,275
… Patricia Peking (AUT) 29 Pkt.
Jana Komrskova cancelled this competition and had a free weekend. The best Czech gymnast is nominated for Anaheim already.
Coach Stanislav Vyzina said: „ With Jana Komrskova in the national our target in Anaheim is to get more than 140 points!'