23. Juni 2003  
Artistic Gymnastics

GERMAN NATIONAL: The Hundredth and the Youngest...!

Katja Abel from Berlin (SV Preussen) is the new but also the 100th all-around champion in the history of German's women gymnastics.
On second place came Lisa Brueggemann from Turnteam TOYOTA Cologne and her teammate Birgit Schweigert got the bronze medal.
Ronny Ziesmer from Cottbus won the national all-around German men's title, second was Christian Berczes and third Thomas Andergassen (Stuttgart), but best in all around at the first competition was the 15 years old Fabian Hambuechen....

Fabian Hambüchen- three golden medals in German Finals (2nd Fahrig and 3rd Berczes on floor)

German AA Champion 2003:
Ronny Ziesmer (SC Cottbus)

Artistic Gymnastics, Women

Heilbronn; 20.-22.06.2003

R E S U L T S:
>> Women's ALL AROUND
- Katja Abel is the 100st German all around champion in the German history from 1921 on, all together Germany (11921- 1945; German Democratic Republic: 1949-1989, Federal Republic of Germany 1949-1990 and Grmany from 1991 on.

Finals WOMEN:
Die Deutschen Meisterinnen:
- Katja Abel on VAULT and on UNEVEN BARS;
- Lisa Brueggemann on BALANCE BEAM
- Camilla Ermert on FLOOR EXERCISES

Fabian Hambüchen- youngest German Champion of history

... all about German Nationals:
... >> www.gym-europe.org
(>> presents by gymmedia-service)