07. Juni 2003  
Stolpe, Brandenburg/Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

GUINNESS WORLD RECORD: Handstand on a Castle

On Saturday five gymnasts from Berlin - among of them the high bar Olympic champion of Atlanta, Andreas Wecker and the former German all-around master Peter Nikiferow celebrated a noisy handstand on a special steel construction on the biggest aldest German castle from the 12th century.
The German company PANHOLZ from Sulzfeld, near Heilbronn built this construction, to carry a roof for saving the 6 meters thick wall.
Five handstands in a high about 30 meters to the same time and one minute long - this was a new World rekord in the GUINNESS Book!

Five handstands: Andreas Wecker, Peter Nikiferow, Tony Mevius, Robert Hirsch, Martin Lahmer