31. Mai 2003  
Wheel Gymnastics

5th World Championshipd are closed with Disciplin Finals

Specially the Women vault final at the final day of the 5th World Championships of wheel gymnastics was exciting. Naomi Kunihiro (JPN) is the new World Champion. Julia Pohling (GER) is placed 2nd and Janin Oer (GER) is placed 3rd. Janin Oer ( GER) won gold in straight-line and spiral final.
In the Men Finals Julius Petri (GER) is the new World Champion in straight-line and spiral. Jan Schaefer (GER) won gold in the vault final....

Naomi Kunhiro won vault; Julia Pohling and Janine Oer (GER) got the medals

Victory ceremony, Juniors, straight-line

R E S U L T S:
Finals, Elite:

>> Medals Sheet / Medaillenspiegel