24. Mai 2003  
Artistic Gymnastics

CHRISTIAN MOREAU - Official Supplier of DTB

Beginning on 15th May 2003, Christian Moreau of France has become the Official Supplier and Sponso of the German Gymnastics Federation DTB.
The contract has a four year duration, allowing enough time for both partners to make plans for the future....

CM Chief Germany

'We want to prove, that it is possible to grow continuously, even in a country with as many problems as Germany, if you can provide the right product, at the right price, together with a high quality customer service.
‘We are one of the last textile producers still manufacturing in Europe and in our factory in France, although not one of the most economical in terms of production costs, we are able to produce in small quantities to a high level of specialisation. In fact this year we will be investing in a new factory plant where we will be using the latest technology for our production machinery. ‘ Christian Moreau SAS has every intention of further growth and recognises that Germany, as its second largest market after France is a very important part of its future', Mr. Keller said.