22. Mai 2003  
Wheel Gymnastics

Norwegian Team ready for take-off

The countdown to the 5th world-championships is running.
The last preparations of the 'Norges Gymnastikk- og Turnforbund' (NGTF) and of the organisation team of the 'Oppland Gymastik- og Turnkres' (OGTK) are under way....

Lena Bertelsen (NOR)

Norwegian Medals hopes...
Five more female gymnasts will have their premiere at world-championships. Among the rest of the team, there are some well-known actives, who are reaching for the medals, e. g. Lena Bertelsen, gold-medalist in the junior's class in 1999, discipline 'vault' and Lin-Veronica Samuelsen, who is living and studying in Cologne/Germany since a few years. If the Norwegian gymnasts can profit of the home field advantage will be seen, as most of them have a long travel - like the other delegations. Trude Linvolden is the only gymast of the 'Oppland Gymastik- og Turnkres, wherefore the fans in Lillehammer will keep her fingers crossed especially for her.