26. Mai 2003  
Wheel Gymnastics

PREVIEW: World Championships Wheel Gymnastics 2003

IRV -Press Release (1) --- The World Championship of Wheel Gymnastics will be held in Lillehammer, Norway, May 2003, 28th to 31st. This is the 5th World Championship, last arranged in Liestal, Switzerland, in 2001. The Championship is arranged every 2nd year.
This year the Norwegian Gymnastics Federation has the honour of hosting the Championship, with the Oppland Gymnastics Association as local organiser. The Championship will take place on Olympic soil - the 1994 Winter Olympic Games were held in Lillehammer....

The city of Lillehammer has approximately 25 000 inhabitants, and the town can offer a wide range of opportunities within culture, entertainment, restaurants and nightlife.
13 nations are registered for the World Championship: Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, Finland, Israel, Japan, USA, Iran and Norway. The number of gymnasts participating is 85.

>> Women, seniors/Frauen
>> Men, seniors/Männer
>> Juniors, female/Juniorinnen
>> Juniors, male/Junioren

(In co-operation with the IRV GYMmedia will report on this website from now on from the preparations to these world championships, but als daily from the events, of course!)