09. März 2003  
Kalamata / GRE  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Greek group won all around and both finals

In Kalamata (GRE) the Greek group (53,500) won the all around competition and the both finals of 'Kalamata's Cup', where some of the world best groups have their test competition for the European group Championships in Riesa (GER), at the beginning of April.
Bulgaria got 2nd place (51,300), France became 3rd (45,700).
At the junior group competition Bulgaria won before Greece and Austria, in the final Greece won before Bulgaria and Austria.
Results Junior Groups:
(5 hoops)
1. BUL 24,566
2. GRE 24,333
3. AUT 22,133
4. GER 20,940
5. SUI 19,865
6. POL 19,633
7. CYP 17,765
8. JPN 17,270

Results Junior Groups Finals
1. GRE 25,699
2. BUL 24,866
3. AUT
4. SUI
5. GER