24. Februar 2003  
Wheel Gymnastics

International: German first Qualification for World Champs Lillehammer

Las weekend was held the first German qualification event for the coming world Championships of WHEEL GYMNASTICS, which will took place 2003, May, in Lillehammer, Norway.
All together 52 participants from Germany started in the city Giessen, also 10 participants, coming from Belgium, Iran, Austria and the USA, to get enough points in this competition for qualifying, to get a WCh ticket to Norway......
It was a difficult task for the German athletes, because more than 10 participants took part in every age group, but only four gymnast can get a tickt to the coming world championship.

In men's competion the five-times worldshampion from Germany, Jan Schaefer (from TSV Taunusstein-Bleidenstadt) was not only the top favourite, but also absolutely the best again.
On second place came his team mate Julius Petri and on third the local matador Florian Krause from SV Muenster.

Janine Oer beats world champion Pohling