21. Februar 2003  
Happy Gymnastics

GYMmedia - European Online Service: New, timely, up-todate!

For the last five and a half years, the GYMmedia Agency has been an up-to-date, reliable and competitive news service from the world of gymnastics.
During this time, with the great growing acceptance worlwide and through our fans, we have become a market leader in Germany and in Europe. GYMmedia is now in 60 countries worldwide and in a real way has become the 'Window to Europe'.
However, the changes have not been purely visual. Even the collective digital background has been transformed. Our portal has become considerably more efficient and manageable having been bulit upon new, faster servers with a complet new software architecture. However, yet other new features have been integrated such as our new discussion forum (coming soon). Here you can communicate instantaneously with other GYMmedia fans and make new gymnastics friends.