31. Oktober 2012  
Beijing, Sotchi  
Artistic Gymnastics

OLYMPIC IDOL AWARD for Oksana Chusovitina ...... and her sensational remarks ...!

Just landed - and already on the way again
The fact that the extraordinary gymnast Oksana CHUSOVITINA is a world-star can be seen even more in the rest of the World than in her new home country Germany.
After having won the Olympic silver medal in 2008 she thrilled more than 400 Million Chinese viewers in Beijing in a TV-show . It is not surprising that she now has received more honours at the same place: The German citizen who originally comes from Uzbekistan now has received the "OLYMPIC IDOL 2012 AWARD" in Beijing. This award was given to her in order to honour her lieftime achievement and her 6th Olympic participation this year in London.
Having just come back from China she now is on the road again in order to travel to Sochi to give a lecture on "sports and peace"...
Oksana Chusovitina explains:
        "I will continue ...!!"

After having received the award in Beijing Oksana continued to travel right away. She went on to the Olympic city for 2014, Sochi in Russia.
She followed an invitation from the president and founder of the organisation "PEACE & SPORT", Joel BOUZOU.

At this year's international forum by the organisation Oksana has received the honour to hold the opening lecture on the topic "The last five years in sports as a catalyser for peace". The basic script of her lecture can be seen here (in German and Russian)
   >> Speech Oksana Chusovitina

... and this will be the last words of the extrordinary 37-year-old athlete in Sochi:

"Однако на этом не заканчивается моя спортивная карьера, которую я планирую продолжить до 2016 года на 7-ой для меня олимпиаде в Рио-де-Жанейро!"

"However, I have not ended my own sportive career. I am planning to continue until 2016 in Rio de Janeiro!"
"The best in the west" - elections for the athlete of 2012 in North Rhine-Westphalia:

Also Oksana Chusovitina has been nominated for the election of the "sports star of the year". She can be elected >> here  (in German only).