28. August 2007  
Stuttgart, Crailsheim  
Artistic Gymnastics

A world class shoe parade to wow you!

'IWA' - partner of the world elite for a quarter of a century
"IWA Gymnastics", the internationally renowned manufacturers of gym shoes from Crailsheim, is attracting attention at the forthcoming top event of the year, the 40th EnBW Gymnastics World Championships in Stuttgart with a special WCh edition to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
The company, which markets its products worldwide, has even created unique national designs for an imposing number of the national teams...

'I W A Gymnastics'
- Partner of Champions - Partner of GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL

The limited edition shoes wont go on sale to the public till later. "At the moment, we do not have the production capacity to manage this," Dieter Wahl says, clearly please by the considerable demand for IWA shoes in the run up to the WCH.. 
At the WCh in Stuttgart, IWA will present its products at a stand of its own, at which the national shoes can be inspected.
The specially designed WCh Fan Flag showing the German medal hopefuls Katja Abel, Oksana Chusovitina, Philipp Boy, Thomas Andergassen and Fabian Hambüchen will also be available there.
OF course both the German national teams will also be competing wearing the new IWA shoes.
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