Hambuechen: ... with free reserves up to the Worlds!
German Trials No. 1.
Five weeks before the upcoming Worlds in London European all-around champion Fabian Hambuechen (GER) won the German trials in Achern, in the South of Germany with a score of 88,800 points, inspite of a crash at the floor.
but with the highest score on high bar (15,900).
On second place came Thomas Taranu, with a difference of more than 5 points, followed by Matthias Fahrig on third.
Marcel Nguyen started on five apparatuses only (without rings) and Philipp Boy and Robert Juckel were stopped by the swine influenza. Eugen Spiridonov absented for job-related reasons...
Because the unclear situation and a lot of missing athlets the German chief coach Andreas Hirsch concludes a second national trial ...
German WCh Trials (1) 2009
- Achern/Sasbach, Germany, Sep - 05 -
* Results
1. Fabian HAMBÜCHEN (TSG Niedergirmes) - 88,800
2. Thomas TARANU (KTV Straubenhardt) - 83,750
3. Matthias FAHRIG (SCV Halle) - 83,550
(TV Wetzgau) - 83,400
5. Sebastian KRIMMER
(TSG Backnang) - 82,750
6. Andreas TOBA
(Turnklubb Hannover) - 80,100
* ... detailed Results
* Tuesday, Sep 15, will held a second German Trial scheduling the London's worlds four weeks later.
* ... read more at the >> German coverage of this event