20. Mai 2007  
Minsk / Belarus  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

(5) Grand Prix 2007: Sessina and Kapranova - Double Winner in Minsk

> German/deutsch
Minsk is the capital of Belarus, it has 1.7 million inhabitants and is located on the river Swislatsch.
The Bolschoi Theatre for Opera and Ballett of the Republic of Belarus actually offers a home to two independent artistic teams: the National Academic Opera Theatre and the National Academic Ballett Theatre...

... SORRY, but we didn't get any answer for co-operation from the Byelorussian organizers...!

5th Grand Prix in Minsk (Belorussia)
- 17th to 21st May 2007 -

Results All-round:

1. Vera Sessina RUS 72,775
2. Olga Kapranowa RUS 72,350
3. Inna Shukowa BLR 71,325 

Results Finals:
1. Vera Sessina RUS 18,025
2. Olga Kapranowa RUS 17,675
3. Inna Shukowa BLR 17,225

1. Olga Kapranowa RUS 18,025
2. Vera Sessina RUS 17,900
3. Anna Bessonowa UKR 17,850

1. Anna Bessonowa UKR 18,525
2. Inna Shukowa BLR 18,250
3. Vera Sessina RUS 17,800

1. Olga Kapranowa RUS 18,000
2. Inna Shukova BLR 17,950
3. Anna Bessonowa UKR 17,775