Vera Sesina (RUS), best all-around and hoop |
FINAL Results
>> SEIL / Rope/Corde
>> REIFEN/Hoop/Cerceau
>> KEULEN/Clubs/Massues
>> BAND/Ribbon/Ruban
The group competition has finished, Bulgaria is the surprise winner, beating Russia with the same overall result, Ukraine comes third. |
The traditional venue of this wellknown international top tournament is the "Palais Omnisports de Thiasis".
... a strong start into the pre-Olympic Season!
After the opening event in Moscow at the beginning of March, the 2007 GRANDPRIX-Series will be continued in Thiais, France from March 23-25.
This will be the third top competition in the first month of the season, because just one week earlier, the world elite will gather for the World Cup, the "Derjugina Cup", in Kiev - what a challenging start to the pre-olympic season!
GYMmedia has spoken with the supervisor of the Grand Prix Committee, Mrs. Jolanda SAP, from the Netherlands...:
Jolanda SAP (NED) - |
GYMmedia-Interview with
Jolanda SAP (NED) - Grand Prix Superviser in Thiais
GYMmedia: -- "The organizers of Thiais are very experienced, what do you expect from this year's Grand Prix in France?
Jolanda Sap: "They are very experienced in organising a Rhythmic Gymnastics Grand Prix! Special is that they put the strong light on the competition floor and the rest of the hall is rather dark, so the emphasis in on the gymnast. This is also very interesting for the media / photographers.The typical thing is also that the organisation is done by the community of Thiais with littler interference of technical RG people. I expect it to be a very well organised GP as usual. "