28. April 2009  
Bergisch Gladbach, Muelheim (GER)  
Artistic Gymnastics

Friendly Meet of the Year : GERMANY vs. USA

For the first time after the political changes the German women's gymnastics will have a friendly meet with  the Olympic silver medallist of Beijing 2008, the national team of USA.
As DTB Sports Director Wolfgang Willam announced during the RTB awards ceremony in Bergisch-Gladbach, this match against the silver-medal winning team from the Beijing Olympics is to take place on 2 May at the RWE Rhein-Ruhr-Sports Hall in Muelheim.
After the DTB publishes the official German team members, now also the USA Gymnastics announced th members of delegation, arrived the city of Bergish Gladbach and made their first training today...

Friendly Meet of the Year!

International match and training camp
After arriving at the end of April (28.04.), the gymnasts of the US national team will prepare for the competition in a training camp at the RTB's Gymnastics School in Bergisch Gladbach.

DTB publishes the German team members: (.. photo, left...:)
** Experienced organizers
The RTB, in association with the tried and tested organizers of the Turnverband Rhein-Ruhr, who successfully conducted the 2007 German RG Group Championships - are sure to make this match a top international event.

Only three weeks later the "Second International Olympic Youth Cup 2009" will be taking place - also in Muelheim and against the background of the RTB-Cup competitions.
This event, whose premiere took place in 2008, clearly demonstrated that the RTB is set to play an important role in the promotion of top-level sport in the future.
( >> ... Announcement