20. April 2009  
Artistic Gymnastics

REVIEW: All Dual Meets German - USA in History....

For the first time after the political changes the German women's gymnastics will have a friendly meet with  the Olympic silver medallist of Beijing 2008, the national team of USA.
This will be the eight's dual of women's artistic gymnastic teams of both countries, beginning 1962 in Berlin, and the last one was also the last official competition of a GDR natioanl team in 1989 in the USA ..

* a special review...:


* Individual all-around:
1. Yvonne Haug             (FRG)    - 77,65
2. Kathy Johnson         (USA)   - 77,225
3. Juliane McNamara  (USA)   - 77,175

4. Pamela Bileck (USA) 77,000
5. Heike Schwarm (D) 76,60
6. Anja Wilhelm (D) 76,425
7. Brigitta Lehmann (D) 75,825
8. Astrid Beckers (D) 75,525
9. Elke Heine (D) 75,425
10. Kelly Garrison (USA) 75,275
11. Yumi Mordry (USA) 74,70
12. Tanja Service (USA) a.K. 73,925
13. Petra Eiselbrecher (D) a.K. 73,325
* German Coach was Vladimir Prorok.

Diana Schröder (GDR), 20 years ago the best German gymnast of the only one and last dual meet between GDR and USA...

... and Peggy Wünsche- from the East-German SC Einheit Dresden (Tcoach Volker Parsch/Christian König), who changed after the political change to Rhineland, to the KTZ Bergisch Gladbach.
 in the GDR team Anett Bleil (Berlin) and Sabine Otte from former SC Chemie Halle.
The national coaches were Dr. Peter Kotzurek and Wolfgang Riedel.

** Annotation:
To the same time in Memphis was held a men's dual meet:
1. GDR - 284,80);  2. USA - 283,35
* Individual all-around:
1. Trent Dimas (USA) - 57,570;
2. Sylvio Kroll (DDR) - 57,500
3. Andrè Hempel (DDR) - 57,250