Olympic Silver medalist Italy definitely confirms participation
One upvaluation for the Henkel Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup on the 23./24. of September 2005 in Duesseldorf more:
After Oympic Champion Russia Athens Olympic Silver medallists ITALY also definitely confirmed their participation in the RG World Cup Tournament for Groups. The gymnasts from Southern Europe are currently ranked 2nd in the 3 hoops/2 clubs category and 3rd in the 5 ribbons category, therefore peak performances should be taken for granted! For Italy: Elisa Blanchi, Fabrizia D'Ottavio, Marinella Falca, Daniela Masseroni, Elisa Santoni und Laura Vernizzi are going to compete in the Philips-Indoor-Hall (all age-grouped 1985, 1986 or 1987) accompanied by coaches, Emanuela Maccarani and Nathalie Van Cauwenberghe. (9.8.2005)