28. September 2011  
Riccione, Italy  
Happy Gymnastics

Letter of Indication:* ... a EGF Newsletter from the 2012 Italian Festival del Sole

E G F - Founder "Festival del Sole"
annonced it next Edition 2012
The organizers of the "Festival del Sole" announced its next and 11th Edition, wich will held 2012, from July 01 - 06 in Riccione, Italy.

Together with the Swabian host of "Gymfestival 2011" and the Spanish "Blume-Gran Canaria Festival" the Italian organizers of "Festival del Sole" founded the "EUROPEAN GYM FESTIVAL" (EGF) Organisation, ...
... which means also an invitation to all European and global Gym Festival event organizers to join in a system of better and global communication

* ... read the last NEWSLETTER from the Italian Organizers:

++ Registrations will open on December 1st, 2011 and will close at the achievement of 120 participating groups.

** Before that date you will receive a further newsletter in November with the cost of three-star hotel, the registration form and the full program of the Festival del Sole 2012.
** To register for the Festival of the Sun is essential to buy the special hotel package proposed by us (the cost to stay in two-star hotel is € 299) and the participation card at a cost of € 40.00.